Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Usb To Rca Radio Shack

luna_legacy @ 2008-03-25T14: 20:00

This is a legacy that I have seen some time ago ... Do not know the name, but the rules are the same as the legacy standard, except that you start with a sim monster. I created my at random in the body shop and I only changed the eyes and hair ... The aim is to get to the tenth generation with a decent heir ... Happy reading!

Meet our hero: Orridus Nottebuia ...

Being magnanimous'll spare one of his close ...

addition to being "ugly" is also no money, so he decides to try to see if there's something in his garden ...

Needless to say, nn found nothing ... Since this district
nn ever passes a female sim, Orridus addressed the gypsy.


rightly points out the low bid that did ...

And that's who introduced him ...

ORRIDUS: "But it is fruitful No!"
Let's try one more time ...

She's good!

Too bad the chick does not possess a phone: another hole in the water.
Orridus decides to move from the shack and head downtown and who is there? The first chick that nn be selected ...

Orridus is desperate ...

Then came her ...

... and especially YOU, Valeria!

Orridus he is fascinated

seems that it is too ...

VALERIA: I think I've ever seen one No more ugly, you make me sick! But

Orridus not give up and eventually seems to break the heart of Valeria.

... correct me, Orry stand it!

Vale, I admire you ... We think that you have children ... At the end

Orry decided to try it seriously.

You agree (O_O) ... Vale you sure?

Orry feels ringalluzzito and decides to celebrate wedding immediately ...

--------------------------------------------- -----------

I leave you with so many questions: Valeria
able to not run away?
able to procreate?
and above all, the heir will be watchable? VALERIA

last thing I admire ...

Friday, March 21, 2008

What Is The Biggest Shoe Size Ever Recorded

luna_legacy @ 2008-03-21T10: 55:00

I'm back with a new update full of children!



INLET: knowledge / pleasure
LTW: Become Education Minister


INLET: family / cheese sandwich
LTW: to graduate 3 children


INLET: popularity / family
LTW: Become Mayor


pleasure LTW: become masked marvel

Yes, it's time to degree (nn know how I'm jumping for joy!), the Leon is the first to graduate ...

and Gioia right after you put the robe, it will automatically change to make simmico new pastime: spending time as the stoned bar attached to the ballet (after the tai-chi are happy with this new technique found by the creators of The Sims 2 for nn to do what I want to Simmini ever!) and then no picture ...

While his twin degree, Richard continues with his obsession to conquer the Olden our beautiful Helena ... Strange but it seems we're succeeding!

After years and years of trying our Rich stand it!

What to do now? Take the ball, obviously ... Engagement time!

How did you know he will be the next king of Arcadia, but his brother Leon ...

Anyway love continues to be the favorite pastime of the dormitory and even Edward and Benedetta are busy ...

closely followed by Syria and Ares.

Ares nn is the boiled fish it seems, and noting that nn is that this fine example of simmolo, decides to exploit the situation, asking unsuspecting (and big nose, you can see in these photos but nn a huge nose!) Syria to get engaged with him ...

She agreed ... Poor nn know what awaits you! Anyway

graduate also Rich and Syria ... Same old story first, we have another freak of the bar ...

Katie decides to participate in making out the national sport, and it chooses the former husband of his sister Serena: Elyan ...

Finally, our dear And he realizes that maybe he is missing a piece, and then also decide to ask him to marry his beautiful ...

But there is another couple more timid: Logan and Martha ...

(For me they are beautiful ...)

He's a serious guy and making out before jumping in the rite wants to put the record straight, going series!

It ends And also for the university and Logan (no manic the bar here!)

(You know you're really that great?)


finally comes the death of Darius (sorry but nn bear it ...)

This imposed in Leon and Joy to return home immediately to take the kingdom in his hand.
few days later, however, came a little surprise, Joy was pregnant ...

A Fotina useless, but I wanted to show how beautiful the new queen ...

Anyway the wedding was accelerated. Joy was very happy, had captured a chicken which could have made the 6 children who wanted (Angela calm down, you can do it! What are six children to marry anyone ... help me ...)

exchange of wedding rings ...

The bride of problemini ... But it's happy!

Here they are at the party after the ceremony ...

turns out to be even better with the belly ...

Ninfadora nn but can not see his grandson as it goes to keep company with Dario ...

Shortly after the baby is born Mirko (I know that this generation the problem will be the females ...)

That's beautiful!


After her divorce from Nadine Thomas discovers she is pregnant again.

It 's impossible to keep it hidden that day Thom goes to find Carlos to tell him the little sister to come. So
speak long together, and decide to keep it. Thom vows to be very present.

Nadine must spend much time at rest and therefore have much time to think. Between her and Thom things are back near normal, and Nadine is a growing realization that it is still deeply in love with him. When he confesses
between him and Serena are good things from nn after the birth of Clelia, Nadine began to think that I would be quite wrong to destroy the marriage between Thom and Serena to replace her. At the end now had two children together, and was also willing to take with you Clelia.
These lazy days and full of ideas born Dante.

who are very similar to his brother.

Thom spent much time at home with their children and Nadine was increasingly convinced that his was the right idea ...

was time for Carlos to grow ...

And as Thom was present, Carlos took to heart her brother, she felt a bit 'his father.


Elyan aspect the return of his wife. After the birth of Clelia finally opened his eyes and realized that Serena would not be returned. He decided to accept the court's Katia. She was very different from her sister, though no less beautiful. Perhaps at times she saw him more as a father than as a partner, but together they were fine. She finally decided to ask her to marry him ...

Joseph meanwhile continued to grow. After the death of his grandmother had closed even more itself. Thanks also to the advice of Katia, Serena Elyan allowed to see his son. Plus she bought him a cognolina to keep him company, he called affettuasamente Puzzetta.

This district is unlucky, another alien abduction ...

came the birthday of Joseph (that cool!)

grew up with him and his inseparable Puzzetta called Puzz.

The attendance at the home of his mother brought him a great human friend, Carlos ... (Note the inseparable Puz)


For Serena was a happy time, could finally see his son grow up peacefully and the small Clelia.

Here on his birthday

celebrated with his family (why Dante is missing too small)


Ronald gives birth to the baby Damion

And since the ongoing enlargement of the family, the twins decide to move the university.

Davon greets us instead ...

It becomes part of the family a small apple.

Damion is also growing ... For you comments ...


Even here there is someone who abandons us: Juno

And one who becomes a super cool ...


Tree herd book