I know it's been a long time, but having a lot of families try not to leave anybody behind, and updates are sporadic ...
carefree Alyssa grew under the watchful supervision of his grandfather and father. If
throughout the kingdom no one doubted the paternity of Mirko, equally Alyssa was the daughter of Elena. Leon had created the picture perfect family, and this felt very satisfied. But the trouble began when little Fred went adolescence ...
Having been used to and grew up in the idea that it would be the next king of Arcadia, the entry into the small scene Alyssa had created in his bitterness and resentment towards the family. Helen was desperate, he loves his son but he also realized that, especially for her, it was better to continue the charade of the perfect family. But Frederick was the limit and unmanageable, so it was decided for an early entry to university, especially for a peaceful upbringing of the children. Elena was a blow too big, so he decided to leave the main house and moved in an apartment nearby. After what had happened to his son did not care to keep up appearances.
This did not prevent, however, to deal with the education of girls, especially Alyssa, the future queen.
But look at that face so like that of her husband was too bad ...
But the situation changed with the death of the mother of Mirko
Leon began to be listless, leaving the throne to his son.
Mirko took courage and went one evening to Elena.
"Back home ..."
"I can not, I do not feel your wife! "
" Stupid, you're my wife. Listen, I know you think that if I got pregnant we would have never married, but it is not so ... I would not have cared at all, because you are perfect to be queen. I chose you for that and I love you. Back home ... "
" I do not know if you're sincere, it's as if she was still there for you ... "
" Tell me what you want to change your mind ... "
" Give me a son! Show the world that is always me and your wife that you love me, even after Virginia! "
And so it was that Helen returned home in two ...
But it was not the only one. Virginia after leaving the villa of the Princes, had decided to start without her daughter to give her the chance to have a normal life. He had to start over so to see an old college friend and after a while 'they were married. He looked at his daughter only through pictures in magazines, photos jealously kept in the closet. Shortly after she was born on the small Selene.
Virginia was now calm again. As every day crying over the loss of his daughter, with the arrival of this new little he could pour all his love on the small Selene.
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