And here's what happened ...
Ok, Leonardo decided in a flash, he loves Astrid, can not decide otherwise!
Kingdom but love for Astrid but little courage, so with the excuse of not wanting to wait for her change her mind Astrid also organize the matrinonio
Without even tell her sister, Astrid moved away from the two apartments, in a larger apartment. Astrid does not suspect a thing, too taken by his wife's life that she likes a lot.
When he discovers she is pregnant is in seventh heaven ...
In the nine months between sleep and the other is recalled, however, her sister and start a little 'to be ashamed. Leo had convinced her to do everything in a hurry that she could not even tell Alice, although in reality she was not even matter much. The nine months were
passatima Alice was untraceable, so Astrid found himself on the evening of birth alone.
Byron was born perfectly healthy, with the eyes of the rest of the mom and dad.
Astrid was so proud of him and what it meant to be the "mother". Alice missed her so much, but two years after the birth of baby still had not heard.
But what happened to Alice?
Alice woke up one morning finding a note on the kitchen table with the departure of his sister and raccontoi marriage with Leo. Conditions are very mild, Alice had already learned from that fateful night that she and Leo there could be nothing, he would have liked to have more Having regard to the courage of which he was endowed.
But what he did not expect was the behavior of his sister!
He decided to leave the apartment he shared with his sister and I rented a larger, particularly after learning that he would need more space ...
But a bigger apartment, also meant spending more, so he decided to take with a roommate, Vercingetorix.
Vercy proved to be just a guy very helpful and friendly, so that it created an almost immediate feeling.
passed hours together talking about the belly of Alice.
Despite the fears of Alice, he loved her even though Vercy carries within himself the son of another. In those dark months, which was already thinking of living alone, Vercy was becoming a bright sun.
finally arrived on the day of birth, and Alice was not alone. Near her was Vercingetorix ready to become the best father in the world.
Together they decided to call the girl, Benedetta, in honor of the fact that if it were not for her, and Alice Vercy would never have met.
The lives of new parents was not easy, especially for a young couple. But was really so happy.
soon decided to marry, or rather, Vercy asked Alice to marry him and she happily accepted.
The years passed and happiness with his new family had passed to Alice the bitter taste of the abandonment of Astrid and Leo. He wanted to hug her sister so much, but there was a huge problem: the amazing likeness of Ben with his father.
What should Alice do?
A-In the end those who want even noticing? Her sister, Astrid will be happy to embrace and to know his niece!
B-Better to leave things as they are, the two families are happy because ruin everything?
And finally a bit 'of spam on Ben, I love it!
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