the beginning (first part)
all start a year or two before I can not remember exactly, I only remember that it was a Saturday night like many others, I got up in the morning with a strange feeling, I can not describe exactly what I tried but it seemed All very strange everything from the most mundane to the most serious seemed strangely everything correct, as every morning I got up to go wash my face before going to drink coffee, I remember that as soon as I opened the bathroom door was instinctive stoop of a hook shot and then deliver the perfect vacuum, but I was pretty sure I heard a blast of air coming toward me, but when I raised his eyes did not notice anything strange or different from usual, I remained motionless for a few moments to the empty set then shook my head playing down to myself "maybe I have to stop smoking nhaaaaaa" then I mentioned a funny smile, then open faucet sink, when that strange feeling again;
the sound of water touched the cold porcelain became unbearable, it seemed that I had a waterfall a few meters away from the ears, even managed to hear the frolicking in a distinct of a fly outside the bathroom window, every little gust of wind made my hands to collect the water, I could hear everything so absurd, until I found myself bent over the sink with water still in the hands halfway between the ceramics and my face, it was then that the look, feel clearly a female voice very sensual and psychedelic take that name once, then another in the end feel clearly tell me almost as if it were inside my head: "Marcus, Marcus love, today's the day, today we gather for good, wake up wake up my love" then suddenly lifted his head slamming against the mirror placed over the sink, I shook my head by water drops from almost everywhere in the bathroom and said aloud: "ok now do the numbers, I hear the voices well, maybe we just needed this is the case of stop smoking ..????!!! nhaaaaaaaaa maybe not but I need someone to show me good, "concluded then grabbing a towel, maybe I was just still half asleep, or perhaps I was tired after considering the few hours of sleep do the notes, the fact is that I did not find a real explanation for that voice, so I decided to get me a coffee, so I went into the kitchen but exactly half way up the stairs that cold shiver down my spine I rimpedi to move and the voice, that voice telling me back in to wake me up very clearly that today was the big day, or more accurately him requesting that certain Marcus, the fact is that I could not understand what I was happening;
as usual the bus was late and that I had run as usual and not to be late but .. "Balls that should already be here, cabbage about ten minutes ago" I lose out loud while waiting at the bus stop I light a cigarette I just in time to light a phone ringing me, who I could look strange if Mery, \u0026lt;\u0026lt;oh but you have not taken the bus? is not too late? I expect others, what time I'll see you then?>> replied hastily, the bus finally arrived, I do not know why but I was firmly convinced I turned to the road towards the bus but nothing, "I have savings in a hurry for anything," when suddenly the bus to get there, it was a simple case seriously or I'd get there just before it appeared from behind the curve?, I had no idea and did not want to resent, and pretended nothing salts obliterating the usual multi use my ticket already stamped so many times that they will not be hardly the stamp of the transport, is of the fact that I sat in the usual places to 4 and I put my headphones, then glancing out the window blurted out a sigh and said, to myself, "another trip stresssante, luck does not take long to reach. "
listened to one of my favorite songs on your MP3 player with headphones at high volume as usual, especially the adorable island completely when traveling, especially with that song when suddenly my eyes became puzzled, "I know this song by heart and had never noticed these strange noises," I thought to myself, then clearly hear a female voice say: "Aia cazzu" I shook my head as if to recover, when you hear a strange smell in the air, un'odore never heard before, but strangely inviting un'odore was sweet, with a gentle but persistent aftertaste of iron was at least as it should be if it were tasting the thing in question that gave off the smell, I continued to feel the smell for a few minutes later I found myself thinking, "blood" I can not understand why but the smell reminded me the blood, I turned instinctively toward the front ahead of me somewhere and I noticed a girl who was bleeding from a finger, she had cut nail-biting, collected the head, "no can not be, not I have really smelled the blood of that girl seee is absurd, "I thought to voice almost inaudible to the rest of the bus, then I risistemai headphones and pretended to nothing but my thoughts were fixed on all those strange episodes before then in the bathroom to the coffee machine, after the bus stop again and now that I could not find a logical explanation to all those strange coincidences .. stood still some of the volume notch and decided to try not to think about it after I talked to the other in front of a nice bottle of cold beer, now there was no need to think about anything except the fact that I was going to join the group and that I would have fun because it was Saturday.
finally arrived I was nearly separated from the others only one damn red light on time, while with a smile began to put away the player and try to see who we were already on the bench, from the glass of the bus, when suddenly you feel as if ste was speaking in front of me to say, "due to arrive, I'm sure, maybe it's already at the station";
again I looked around and there was no word was a good twenty yards and having heard them before me did not make sense, then the bus finally started to see and share all or most when I noticed something unusual to say the least and humanly impossible, there was a new girl, but it was not unusual this was the way she was dressed, had siting white, all hand embroidered with lace neckline and sleeves rounded, fully discovered until after end of the back or a little less, and turned toward me I was absolutely sure, I can not explain to me how en why but she was staring right at me, then smiled and shook my head then interrupted by the voice of the driver who asked me if I had to get, is an annual nodding his head and grabbed my bag, heading towards the exit thinking about what it was that stretch of road to success and if I had really seen the new girl or whoever it was with others, there was more understanding , nothing, everything was going too fast and too many things all at once, I did not understand why they were happening to me and how come all together? I found a decent answer I could not know what I knew, however, is precisely that it was Saturday and I wanted to pull out of the ordinary so no thoughts or concerns for that time was Monday, or at least that's what I hoped.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Souvenir Ids Niagara Falls
The word of the first written Clachiusk
was not the first time I found myself in front of the council, but that day is a strange tension in the air breathed, Armitionus looked me straight in the eye and told me quietly, yet disturbing, "my young friend, this time I am afraid that I can do little to be of help, they have already decided your punishment, you are giving too much attention over all, they are of the opinion that if not immediately your immense power can lead you on the other side, I'm sorry, my young friend will be doing what I can, but I can not promise more "
Armitionus was one of the old board and from what I know had never shown no one's true face, had always been well hidden by his dark hood, like to hide from that magical world that even if there was one by birth, I do not agree, had always been more lenient in his decisions, was also 's only one who, more than once tried to prevent his fellow lock Marcus after his awakening;
though, as he put it in the end his help was only a non-zero, since it would be well served nothing but some simple seal or any simple potion, Great King was now awake and his destiny was fulfilled, these are the words that I always heard, at every opportunity that presented itself to be called by upper floors, and in that time certainly did not lack opportunities, courses and narrow the huge stone corridor leading to the usual room where he usually appeared as if by magic Marcus, opened with a moment's hesitation I turned to the door and asked with Armitionus almost frightened voice: "I can not understand, I experience a feeling never felt before, I think this interview I do not like it, but if I did as I told Shially and go back?"
Armitionus I look out from under his hood , I could deeply feel his gaze on me, and for the first time I noticed in the dim light the hint of a smile, then arched his back and very calm tone he replied: " each of us is master of his choices, I certainly will not stop you, "the door opened before me, an immense light I almost blind him, then shot my eyes adjusted to the light and managed to distinguish a separate figure, elegant, a figure too slender to be Marcus, I went over there and hear clearly the voice say: "hello ser, finally arrived, like a sip of cold beer? await them in the room related to this, I fear that the great Clachiusk is very angry, "he concluded Maikily smiling;
Maikily was what the human world knows as the vampire, is elegant, graceful, well-educated and always has a sweet scent on your clothes, many board members respect him, he is the great King of the House of Black HAYIHIR, disappearing centuries ago, but reincarnated almost everywhere in the world, is also the best friend of Marcus, his exact opposite, he is the KING of BLACK WOLF Lican of the House, is physically as big as a wrestler resling, is rude to do, his clothes smell mostly of wet dog and has a very colorful language, d ' In fact, the two say that the board is usually Maikily diplomatic and Marcus, Well Marcus is acting;
usually waiting I find Marcus in that room with his mouth full of beer and a grin on his face to me, "the old are a little pissed off about the chore done the other night eh eh, you do not mind if you do not attend the usual complaining right?" but this time I found Maikily with his glass of blood and a strange smile on his face, stared at him I can not understand why but his eyes were talking to me at that moment it was as if I wanted healthy, I stood for a moment perplexed .. I looked at him then took a deep breath and said "ok you're well friend where you are, I enter my subisco old and then we go home to do their dirty job some punishment, I should put very comfortable there," Maikily smiled at me and then after giving his cup to sip another shot behind her back, I let go a sigh, or at least I would do that, then he approached me and said with a smile: "I'm sorry ser, I do not think it is so easy this time, not like the usual times, is not it some of Marcus's headers, it's us, it's me they have already decided the punishment is already ; written ser, I'm sorry, but know that it was an honor to know and share with you all this time "
did not understand, I could not understand the words of my white friends, I was summoned for what absurd reason? and what other absurd reason, his words seemed an addition? did not make sense all that was happening, then I remembered his words, the words of Shially \u0026lt;\u0026lt;it's too dangerous, we risk being caught, should not even be where it is, if this continues you will be removed and I am afraid that I can be of much help to the council is cutting out too me, I can try to give you a week no more, you think I do it a week, then if things do not improve will be the ' exile and imprisonment, I'm sorry my friend>> now everything was clear, wanted to take him away, they wanted to banish from us because of me, all the problems that we were creating, or maybe it was just too much, in any case I would have to do my best I went with a fast pace and heavy towards the door that connected the other allocation to those where I was, I grabbed the handle turning to Maikily just before opening and said with a smile: "Do not fear my friend, I will not let you do anything at the cost of the pens I leave" and then I took courage and open the door.
just as I remembered nothing had changed since the last time I had gone there to subirmi a lecture on behalf of Marcus, the same old wooden benches in a mahogany color on, and as always the usual climate chill that was to mingle with the smell of mold is usually found in caves are very closed, the elderly placed in all circles exactly like everyone in their place each time, like the last time I had found them in the middle of the benches , the exact center of a single figure is required powerful standing with their faces covered and a huge voice who received me, saying: "good death, you were expecting, you know for what reason have we given the privilege of being here at our presence? "at that precise moment a shiver through my whole back, a feeling of panic made me shudder, it was him, I had doubts if even the first time I appeared before I was firmly convinced I had no doubt I was in front of the legendary sage advice, the most important member of the Board for centuries and centuries, from before I was to the great CLACHIUSK, I tried to stay calm and not let it become aware of my excitement but I think lacks a lot, I tried again a minimum of courage and took a deep breath and replied in a tone of quiet as possible: "Of course, I'm here because of Maikily and to have answered your sentence" He stares at me from under the cap, smiled from what little you could see his face well hidden then drop the cap on her face even raised his finger, shifting it towards the door through which I had just entered and said with impressive tone: "well the fatal advice from decided, we can not afford to lose given the fundamental role of your container and guardian of the reincarnation of King Lican Marcus Marius Arcibus 3, but at the same time we can not afford to run risk to all of us and our kingdom is hidden for centuries, so for this reason the Board decided to animation with the old order and to uproot Maikily VIcius a vampire King of the House of BLACK HAYIHIR in captivity in our prisons until further notice .. this is our will "declare the end with a nod to the guards that they walked towards the door, I stood for a moment as stone, my breathing started to slow down and become more and more heavy, my heart began to beat heavily and regularly, then my eyes start to change suddenly, I began to feel my every single muscle stiffen gradually I had to do something, but what I was helpless in front of everything, I could not help but nod in spite of myself and accept the unjust sentence CLACHIUSK the largest, the most senior and important member of the council of elders had also decided, no one even among his equals had never tried to ribbelllarsi in his decision, no one ever .. it was really over? were really taking away one of my friend, companion, no one would ever dare to rebel, nobody, or maybe not?.
was not the first time I found myself in front of the council, but that day is a strange tension in the air breathed, Armitionus looked me straight in the eye and told me quietly, yet disturbing, "my young friend, this time I am afraid that I can do little to be of help, they have already decided your punishment, you are giving too much attention over all, they are of the opinion that if not immediately your immense power can lead you on the other side, I'm sorry, my young friend will be doing what I can, but I can not promise more "
Armitionus was one of the old board and from what I know had never shown no one's true face, had always been well hidden by his dark hood, like to hide from that magical world that even if there was one by birth, I do not agree, had always been more lenient in his decisions, was also 's only one who, more than once tried to prevent his fellow lock Marcus after his awakening;
though, as he put it in the end his help was only a non-zero, since it would be well served nothing but some simple seal or any simple potion, Great King was now awake and his destiny was fulfilled, these are the words that I always heard, at every opportunity that presented itself to be called by upper floors, and in that time certainly did not lack opportunities, courses and narrow the huge stone corridor leading to the usual room where he usually appeared as if by magic Marcus, opened with a moment's hesitation I turned to the door and asked with Armitionus almost frightened voice: "I can not understand, I experience a feeling never felt before, I think this interview I do not like it, but if I did as I told Shially and go back?"
Armitionus I look out from under his hood , I could deeply feel his gaze on me, and for the first time I noticed in the dim light the hint of a smile, then arched his back and very calm tone he replied: " each of us is master of his choices, I certainly will not stop you, "the door opened before me, an immense light I almost blind him, then shot my eyes adjusted to the light and managed to distinguish a separate figure, elegant, a figure too slender to be Marcus, I went over there and hear clearly the voice say: "hello ser, finally arrived, like a sip of cold beer? await them in the room related to this, I fear that the great Clachiusk is very angry, "he concluded Maikily smiling;
Maikily was what the human world knows as the vampire, is elegant, graceful, well-educated and always has a sweet scent on your clothes, many board members respect him, he is the great King of the House of Black HAYIHIR, disappearing centuries ago, but reincarnated almost everywhere in the world, is also the best friend of Marcus, his exact opposite, he is the KING of BLACK WOLF Lican of the House, is physically as big as a wrestler resling, is rude to do, his clothes smell mostly of wet dog and has a very colorful language, d ' In fact, the two say that the board is usually Maikily diplomatic and Marcus, Well Marcus is acting;
usually waiting I find Marcus in that room with his mouth full of beer and a grin on his face to me, "the old are a little pissed off about the chore done the other night eh eh, you do not mind if you do not attend the usual complaining right?" but this time I found Maikily with his glass of blood and a strange smile on his face, stared at him I can not understand why but his eyes were talking to me at that moment it was as if I wanted healthy, I stood for a moment perplexed .. I looked at him then took a deep breath and said "ok you're well friend where you are, I enter my subisco old and then we go home to do their dirty job some punishment, I should put very comfortable there," Maikily smiled at me and then after giving his cup to sip another shot behind her back, I let go a sigh, or at least I would do that, then he approached me and said with a smile: "I'm sorry ser, I do not think it is so easy this time, not like the usual times, is not it some of Marcus's headers, it's us, it's me they have already decided the punishment is already ; written ser, I'm sorry, but know that it was an honor to know and share with you all this time "
did not understand, I could not understand the words of my white friends, I was summoned for what absurd reason? and what other absurd reason, his words seemed an addition? did not make sense all that was happening, then I remembered his words, the words of Shially \u0026lt;\u0026lt;it's too dangerous, we risk being caught, should not even be where it is, if this continues you will be removed and I am afraid that I can be of much help to the council is cutting out too me, I can try to give you a week no more, you think I do it a week, then if things do not improve will be the ' exile and imprisonment, I'm sorry my friend>> now everything was clear, wanted to take him away, they wanted to banish from us because of me, all the problems that we were creating, or maybe it was just too much, in any case I would have to do my best I went with a fast pace and heavy towards the door that connected the other allocation to those where I was, I grabbed the handle turning to Maikily just before opening and said with a smile: "Do not fear my friend, I will not let you do anything at the cost of the pens I leave" and then I took courage and open the door.
just as I remembered nothing had changed since the last time I had gone there to subirmi a lecture on behalf of Marcus, the same old wooden benches in a mahogany color on, and as always the usual climate chill that was to mingle with the smell of mold is usually found in caves are very closed, the elderly placed in all circles exactly like everyone in their place each time, like the last time I had found them in the middle of the benches , the exact center of a single figure is required powerful standing with their faces covered and a huge voice who received me, saying: "good death, you were expecting, you know for what reason have we given the privilege of being here at our presence? "at that precise moment a shiver through my whole back, a feeling of panic made me shudder, it was him, I had doubts if even the first time I appeared before I was firmly convinced I had no doubt I was in front of the legendary sage advice, the most important member of the Board for centuries and centuries, from before I was to the great CLACHIUSK, I tried to stay calm and not let it become aware of my excitement but I think lacks a lot, I tried again a minimum of courage and took a deep breath and replied in a tone of quiet as possible: "Of course, I'm here because of Maikily and to have answered your sentence" He stares at me from under the cap, smiled from what little you could see his face well hidden then drop the cap on her face even raised his finger, shifting it towards the door through which I had just entered and said with impressive tone: "well the fatal advice from decided, we can not afford to lose given the fundamental role of your container and guardian of the reincarnation of King Lican Marcus Marius Arcibus 3, but at the same time we can not afford to run risk to all of us and our kingdom is hidden for centuries, so for this reason the Board decided to animation with the old order and to uproot Maikily VIcius a vampire King of the House of BLACK HAYIHIR in captivity in our prisons until further notice .. this is our will "declare the end with a nod to the guards that they walked towards the door, I stood for a moment as stone, my breathing started to slow down and become more and more heavy, my heart began to beat heavily and regularly, then my eyes start to change suddenly, I began to feel my every single muscle stiffen gradually I had to do something, but what I was helpless in front of everything, I could not help but nod in spite of myself and accept the unjust sentence CLACHIUSK the largest, the most senior and important member of the council of elders had also decided, no one even among his equals had never tried to ribbelllarsi in his decision, no one ever .. it was really over? were really taking away one of my friend, companion, no one would ever dare to rebel, nobody, or maybe not?.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Revlon Skinlights Face Illuminator
I am here as usual, only the clicking of keys on the keyboard to accompany me and the voice of her cousin to stress to the crap shoot too .. one of the many evenings of laughter sincere I fear that for too long not to redo more
I am here as usual, only the clicking of keys on the keyboard to accompany me and the voice of her cousin to stress to the crap shoot too .. one of the many evenings of laughter sincere I fear that for too long not to redo more
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Quotes Of Sympathy For Loss Of Mother
Requires 2 cute model blonde and a brunette, for taking on the corporate calendar (topless and nude). Do not believe it for the money. Send your photo (or link on the portfolio), rates (£ / hour), contact information and settings.
Requires 2 cute model blonde and a brunette, for taking on the corporate calendar (topless and nude). Do not believe it for the money. Send your photo (or link on the portfolio), rates (£ / hour), contact information and settings.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Do Nhl Players Pay For Their Own Equipment
party in the sandbox
Nadys shot reportazhik with the anniversary Dubinin . 80.
hero of the occasion. If we consider 80 as an icon, it accurately reflects my feelings at the expense of similar age.
Narochnitskaya . Made of steel.
MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION ON counter attempts falsification of history
Someone from the box. Something is. Not identified.
Actually, the force ...
retired admiral, commander of the Black Sea Fleet in the Soviet times and rannerazlagayuscheysya Russia.
This man name Petrik. But no one (brother? Or lost it?). Hard, perhaps, lives.
Oh, and dessert.
For dessert now Churov, while contributing to the parliamentary elections in U.S. victory party "United Russia" with the result of 93%. I swear this is the most impressive shot that could have been done. He is completely absent facial expressions, gestures, or even any intonation in his voice. Ideal CEC Chairman, the standard of Russian policy in the second level, bulk, as written in the old Gorbushka, hh.
Nadys shot reportazhik with the anniversary Dubinin . 80.
hero of the occasion. If we consider 80 as an icon, it accurately reflects my feelings at the expense of similar age.
Narochnitskaya . Made of steel.
Someone from the box. Something is. Not identified.
Actually, the force ...
retired admiral, commander of the Black Sea Fleet in the Soviet times and rannerazlagayuscheysya Russia.
This man name Petrik. But no one (brother? Or lost it?). Hard, perhaps, lives.
Oh, and dessert.
For dessert now Churov, while contributing to the parliamentary elections in U.S. victory party "United Russia" with the result of 93%. I swear this is the most impressive shot that could have been done. He is completely absent facial expressions, gestures, or even any intonation in his voice. Ideal CEC Chairman, the standard of Russian policy in the second level, bulk, as written in the old Gorbushka, hh.
Are There Any Tawnee Stone
vitriolvm @ 2010-10-08T18: 08:00
delved into the archives and found this here. I do not spread, because. And now you can - was published.
delved into the archives and found this here. I do not spread, because. And now you can - was published.
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