Friday, February 11, 2011
Whats Interest You In Clothing Store
There are nights when one cigarette is not enough, there are nights when your own breath is not enough, there are nights when one does not smile enough and then what? and then there are evenings and just vv
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not having a special historical, artistic or cultural value, as well as scientific, medical and not used in the educational course materials and items containing a description or a photo, video or other images (including those created using computer graphics, animation or other graphic means): 1) human genitals, or 2) actually committed by a person or simulated sexual intercourse to them, and 3) or otherwise comparable to sexual intercourse, sexual assault, including those perpetrated against an animal or a dead person.
And by the way, if the dog is not 16, it still pedophilia.
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But by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
- Jack London -
Thursday, February 3, 2011
How Old Is My 1 Inch Goldfish
Just to spend some 'time this cold - but I say cold - night, I started to wander on the internet and found this quiz in English. To my amazement were super compatible with JUNNINO ❤ . Following are Sho, Nino, Aiba and finally the soft riid. Uwahhhhhhh but Siiiii, concediamoci a nice daydream. ❤ ❤ (*-*) | |||||||||||||||||||||
For anyone out there. ..
And you, with who you are more compatible?? TRY IT! Lots of love ❤ |
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
A Lot Of Creamy Cervical Mucus
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Dot On Bottom On Beer Can
I should say something catchy. Maybe.
* POOF *
I've already burned that poor neuron wandering alone (and I stress for a long time. - N: Uhuhuh, done that!) In the Sahara Desert ; of my brain. D'oh!
'nuff said, January 5, 2011 Today I finally decided to join livejournal.
was almost a month that I thought about, but never found the time and especially the desire (yes, alas, I am a sloth DOC! Series: "More sleep and more sleep!" * yawn *) to make it.
probably overnight if I had not had a dream quite convoluted, I would not be here writing.
To tell the truth, I do not remember much but just a moment in particular. And that moment, I might add. Let me explain ...
There was a strange white light that enveloped everything around me, or probably I was in the middle of nothing cosmic. However, this dazzling light was so soft that it's like being inside a cloud.
I felt muffled enough to find crushed to earth (literally). * * paradise mode on
Suddenly, from pure white, sprouts a rainbow and an open hand that tends toward me. She was a slender hand and well maintained (manicure to go around. Hihihi) anellozzo with a finger, not at all flashy SHORTLY.
You already know who I'm talking about??
Arashi Fan, advanced as the storm clouds ... hear hear ... was our dear
Needless to say, when I addressed one of the famous smiles heartbreaker, do not think twice and I've got literally Zompa me!
I was at the height of happiness, the thrill I felt on the skin that heralds one of those magic moments that you remember for the rest of your life. Everything was perfect: her eyes were already a little heart and the burr was the glue between us (in hindsight, this is not such a pretty picture to see: yuck:) when ... BEEEEEEP! BEEEEEEP! BEEEEEEP!
Yes, once again note my arch-enemy "infrangi.sogni.proprio.sul.piĆ¹" came into action.
Sniff ... sniff ... sniff ... that blow!
However, I am convinced that I dreamed it because yesterday I put a new desktop background. Obviously, it is dedicated Matsujun! : Triplosbav:
(* NDA = Jun portrays the picture of the desktop half naked. KyAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cough * _ to avoid the urletti fangirl extreme. Ricomponiamoci! _coff
* And what does the lovely horny Ooshima-san. * Himitsu no Arashi-chan HanaYori Dango Final SP * docet).
I would say that in addition to the image of paradise Jun, this livejournal I will serve mainly to express myself in all my glory (Buhahahah!) and review (the good) all the non-quantifiable-why-are-too many episodes of the drama and the various film jappici I have accumulated over the time . * My pc for mercy! *
So, for starters, tonight I plan to see me (accompanied by the inevitable bowl of popcorn * * yum) and the making of the film PIKA ☆ NCHI - Life Is Hard dakedo Happy of the (then) Arabimbi.
Author's note: I do not know why but when I think of PIKA ☆ NCHI, I will only think of the color yellow.
Bah, you PIKA_PIKA Pikachu.
Who knows?
Anyway, let's go girls!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Personalized Napkins-upload Image
Returning to the main story: then, the two lovebirds do not have it done to stay in the house of his parents and so they moved into a tiny apartment on the outskirts of Village AcquaBlu, consisting of living area including lounge, kitchen and dining room, a tiny bathroom, a "large" bedroom and a tiny guest room, however, more reminiscent of a corridor or at most a closet.
However the two are certainly not deterred by small spaces and even try to work as much as possible in order to allow at least a bigger house awaiting the arrival of the new heir ....
fact just got home and Consuelo Xavier has opened the bed and since they have both intake Consuelo family became aware after a few days of being pregnant.
Xavier is excited by the news because the new LTW is to marry her six children, and that of our dear friend has become Masked Marvel. Speaking of careers, therefore Xavier is used in a scientific laboratory, he likes that environment, is not too stressful and his colleagues are all very friendly. While Consuelo was able to find only a miserable place as a clerk in a self-service, since there was no room in the police career. (Xavier but who you take home? Do not ya think it is some future in-laws pay check?? It is also a little ugly is not to say .....)
Months pass quickly and begin to glimpse the first signs of the belly of Consuelo and her maternity leave to work mainly devoted to his favorite hobby: cooking.
In those months
Xavier is forced to be seen by a doctor as Consuelo feels strange sickness and some have severe pain in the uterus.
-Please tell me what made my doctor's wife, is a serious thing? Need to operate? The child risks? And my wife instead?
-Do not worry Mr. Aroldeaux here there is no problem or something serious, his wife is fine, the pain is just a case of pregnancy and stress due to overwork. The children are fine, growing strong and healthy. -Children?! Said the two- -Si, one male and one female: two twins .
Xavier faints. Apart from these short incidents pregnancy goes great, Consuelo think Xavier and the various names given to the heirs ... here is a quick taste ...
Xavier:-I think we should call them sound good and Gerardo Ermenegilda
Consuelo: - And then as you call them Ermi pass me the salt, Ger do your homework! Why not two simple names such as Simon and Stephen, or with names of plants and Narciso Violetta -Si so we put up a flower shop- was just an idea do not be offended Anyway, among the various proposals of names here, finally arriving in labor time.
Consuelo is getting a hot bath, but when about to plunge, warns of severe pain in the stomach and half an hour after the new heirs are born ....
decided two names that are not in the list nor the mother nor the father: the girl called Eleanor in honor of Aunt Eleanor's color, eyes and hair in short, a clone of the mother.
While the boy is called Theodor because it goes well with the name of her sister, he is a clone of her mother and sister. (Ps I know I have no photos but missed many passes as I explained I had made nn photino many of them) Months passed, the twins get older, the two new parents are so happy that more and more decided to put another child in the yard. Here
Eleonor and Theodor ... that cute !!!!!
So after three months of the birth of Baby Consuelo notices to wait another baby and there is a problem. In their home is just right, the twins in their tiny room, Consuelo Xavier and two in them, but the arrival of the new baby as they would have done?
Months passed, the parents begin to deal with the education of children, teaching them to use the potty .....
The resolution of the problem space comes home one Monday evening, just before the new birth. Xavier happy to enter the apartment that stressed Consuelo asks
-But how can you be so happy? Between one month I will have another child and we have not quite found a home great that fits our pockets! -love, at work today I bought a beautiful house: living room, 3 bathrooms, study, kitchen, 3 bedrooms and a huge garden for a modest sum -What! "Then I'll tell you: a colleague of mine had a house that would sell, but could not and the price had dropped so much. I made two accounts, I asked for a bank loan: $ 50.00 I'll have to return within one year and have bought me. Then I discovered that the bank is owned by the husband of my sister Landgraab Malcolm IV, and after having talked over the phone told me that the loan he gave it to me and my sister, and then the house is ours in all respects, and we move tomorrow, you're not happy?
The answer is obvious ...-_-
Aroldeaux the next day and then moving into their beautiful new home, and almost as if on purpose during the move Consuelo realizes that the new baby is coming and the surprise ... children are two boys who are called identical twins James and Samuel, and they are also identical to the mother and two brothers more.
So this is the situation at home Aroldeaux: Eleanor and Theodore are going to be children, Samuel and James are going to be babies and Consuelo guess is ... .. a bit 'pregnant again !!!!! Which makes me think that will probably have to move again ... ...
leaves you with a bit of spam in their new home (home is a maxis)
chamber Eleonor
James's room, Samuel and Theodor
Xavier's room and Consuelo
spammino And here's a little on what I have already decided, will be the new heir
Eleonor floating in the air in a month life
And then when instead it is a bit largest ....
always Eleonor And here in the garden of the new house .....
Switch to the other houses in the house after the passing of Consuelo Garcia and his marriage there was great confusion, Maria went on a rampage for three things: his daughter is , ran away from home, is engaged to a guy that she did not like, and continues to not like and got married with that without even invite you to their marriage.
addition, the dear, sweet Anna toppled after the nice Rudy Pitts (as these photos suggest)
Well here is a deacon who chose other prey such as Agamemnon
Or like this guy ....
But after all this activity and Anna realizes tory pregnant raises the usual question "Who is the father?" Yes, I believe that if you place it well .... do not know her well then For Anna ... do not give anything as it will the baby out, she will accept him as her boyfriend Rudy aspects, legal (which is dumb luck)
And so was born nine months after the canons Elena, who turns out to be the daughter of the ugly guy with the bald
In this whole movement, the other sister that you are doing Estrella existential questions ...." What will I do with my life? I want to be an independent woman .... I think it's that a man must serve! But I would like to have children, some offspring! "So he decided to resort to welfare and get this beautiful Bimo, for now, named Joe
Jumping events not worthy of note Elena and Joe grow together before him ... that this toddler becomes all in all not bad, but also very excited
Elena And then his father, which fortunately did not take anything
Well to see the latest Landgraab struggling with Malcolm IV V
Here the mother and the change .....
And here we are immediately led to his birthday cake her grandmother Sofia
toddler .. And here (it's the ugliest baby I've ever seen .... HORROR)
And on that occasion is that Eleanor is discovered again Pregnant ....
will be a girl? Will be a photocopy of his older brother?? Yes or no? We'll find out in the next update which I promise will not arrive late (at least I hope)
Kisses Pighetti
Ps still wishes to all!!