Thursday, August 21, 2008

How Do I Get My Penis Electro

Znaete skripka ...

Blin nu ... posmotrel trailer i dazh podrasstroilsja ... Kto s taught such anonsi delatj? FRR ... nu that figs ones)
nikakogo svobodnogo weather chuju on etot god ... nu it Chto dlja Druzej, this dlja Druzej .. eto svjatoe)
a vot to Stanko vernusj .. ibo bolshe Sun mogu ... hozhu kazhdij contracts having pochti past shkola Bejar (ot all the latest Privet) segodnja eche posmotrel Billi Elliot (sic i !)... that all interviews, Chto tut i vedutsja mezhdu mnoj Claire-Lise high in the "afrikanskih" (Nendaz vedj ochenj afrikanskoe under-moemu, imjachko) Alps splosh of Pina Bausch, that i tom Zhe ... nuuu Bejar, vprochem, io many chem eche ...
Step, do you speak?
Nastja uznaj u Anzheli phone Pollini, pozhaluysta)
with sentjabrja nachnu)


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