theory raving
first note on the theory of life, have you ever thought about how life originated, taken from the work just fine with this theory raving well we thought the strange existence and the emergence of mold on on'oggetto deffinito that is now gone bad;
is known that once the mold starts to form on the object expands at a rate considerably faster, now this point does not make you think of anything ?
there is really no strange thought?
well then we want you to think kindly of us, with the theory of our two scholars specialists on the theory of the raving, the proffessor Mm Pirri graduated with honors in minchiologia relazzionismo of intense acute in the human being, and the theory of raving, and proffessor Zero sinnai it also graduated with honors in acute minchiologia in humans, and studying the theory of raving, have recently agreed that life has the same origin of the mold, or the planet earth would not be other than a huge mass of sand dispersed into the atmosphere gone bad, for so therefore we would not be anything but a spot of mold, espendersi tends to the surface, actually now in a state of putreffazione .. therefore we say that the human race really would not be anything but unn'immensa spot of mold that grows on a sandy ground in a state of putreffazione universe.
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