Friday, December 25, 2009

Wedding Sleigh Cake Holder

Original - Sonata for Violin 2 / 2

Title: Sonata for Violin
Author: Nico
Rating: All (PG)
Genre: Original
Summary: I was a monster, that will remain forever, and yet still so much to make me feel human twice damned. As would be easier to lose, with the ability to die like a man, the soul of man.

Part 1

not, however, was the last time I spoke with my sister.

For years and years after that encounter, I continued to follow it. Fell in love with a man, also a musician, and had two children. A son, Hannes, and a daughter, Judit, who unfortunately died of illness when he was only seven years.

He had a full life, marked by joy and tragedy as the lives of human beings.

How life that I had I probably like the one I wanted for her.

I went to visit her on Christmas night of his seventy-eighth year of life, by which time the disease had consumed so much so that it can not even get out of bed to go to mass.

I went into his room without much difficulty, I took a chair and sat down beside the bed watching her sleep. Labored breathing, he looked worn out old one, but when he opened his eyes I knew that even if they were ages ago I would recognize.

" Gregor ...", he said.

" Hello Greta. Merry Christmas, "I said, taking her hand.

She shook me slightly. "You're nothing changed," he said with a grin.

" I'm glad they can not say the same about you," I said, and looked at me like I understood he perfectly understood what I meant.

" I had a happy life, not always, but it was a full life," she whispered.

" I know, I keep an eye on."

" I had my personal angel to watch over me all this time," she chuckled, but began to cough immediately, abandoning exhausted on the pillow.

" I am anything but an angel, I assure you, I reminded her.

" You'll always be my beautiful angel immortal," he said.

I got up and sat back on the bed beside her, seizing both his hands and squeezing them between my.

" do not know how I missed you," I confessed. "But I could not come, you would not have been able to justify ..."

" Ssh, do not say anything. It does not matter. Actually, we've always been, and are here now, it's all that matters to me. "

continued to shake hands, kissed his fingers. They were warm, but I felt, with that sixth sense that over the years it became increasingly refined, the flame of life would still little heated.

" 's funny how at the end of life, everything becomes so clear as all that is beautiful and clean living have become the most important part, while bad memories remain relegated to a corner as a bogeyman that does not really afraid anymore, "he continued.

" must be nice to feel that way, "I replied.

" Only thanks to you and Manuel I feel this way, there'll never be grateful enough for what you did that night."

" I'll tell you, will be happy to know."

I smiled. "Please, could you open the trunk for me that is under the window?"

let her go, I got up and went to open it. There was his violin in there, same with whom I had greeted the last time.

" Take it," he said.

I took it carefully in his hands and went back to bed.

" I want you to have you. It will be my memory, "he murmured. I saw the signs of fatigue that enveloped her, but her will to fight until the last was no less.

" I do not need an object to remind you. You will be with me for eternity, and if I come to the end, even after the flames of hell, or wherever I go. "

" Although I will always be with you, Gregor, do not believe that you get rid of me so easily," he said. "But I want you to have the same. You'll know what to do if and when the time comes. "

" Okay," I said.

lays it on the floor and went to kneel beside the bed. The kindly scostai a lock of gray hair that had escaped the braid and fell on his face.

" I think it's time to say goodbye for real," he said weakly.

now no longer able to keep those eyes open, overcome by fatigue, the last moments of a candle wick which had come to burn completely.

" Sleep Greta," I whispered, "Good travel ".

I kissed her forehead, looked at her one last time and I had come out as silent as I took the violin.

For a moment I felt to hear his voice that whispered to me to be happy, but I came back because now we set our last goodbye.

" I'll try," I said.

died Jan. 1 of the year of grace 1865.


Philharmonic Berlin, December 24, 2008

" We've been here a week and you can think that the best time to do it is to have its one hour before the concert? "he mumbled Manuel.

" There's a better one, I assure you!" I said. "And then you are running around Berlin with your new Mercedes all the time while I was looking for, then you have little to complain!"

" Just because I bought the new Ray Ban, were the only ones who did not at odds with the color of my skin and with my Belstaf, otherwise I would not see that around, "snorted.

As exasperating had become obsessed with Manuel for the big names continued to be especially funny.

We had experienced so many changes, atrocities, discoveries, aberrations and wonders, in a couple of centuries, that some little whim, perhaps, we deserved to take it off!

" You might at least make him a courier to deliver professional, not the sort of messenger of the florist."

" It turns out that the messenger of the florist was the only available on Christmas Eve," argomentai.

" was available or terrified?" Said Manuel, but I had stopped listening.

I was anxious to see him leave, in accordance with the agreements would have to ask the concierge to personally deliver the package to Dorothea Manhof, first violinist of the Berlin Philharmonic. Surely it would open first, with the terror alert in recent years was inevitable, but they would have realized that it was a simple tool, and would have passed, I was sure.

I waited for a quarter of an hour on the back of the theater but I was so excited that time seemed double its length.

" There's no point eating the soles of shoes," Manuel said.

" I know, I can not help it," I said.

They spent another ten minutes but finally the boy came.

He approached slowly, cautiously, as if behind our clothes and our refined manners of the time he could smell the danger, under the skin to feel the thrill and excitement in the same way that the victim's terrifying do not know, a conscious level, they are.

But he was not wanted, that evening, it was not even in our usual type of victim, to be honest.

" then? How did it go? ", I immediately asked, going towards him. A car passed on the street and the lights of the lanterns reflected in the eyes of Manuel and probably in the mine, with an effect very similar to what happened through the eyes of cats.

The boy blanched and stepped back, Manuel and I pulled up clutching his arm. "Gregor," she hissed, "Try to stay calm. We do not need to be passed out to nothing. "

He was right, so I tried to smile in the most reassuring as possible, hoping that no other car decided to go there. "I've got the money I promised," I said. "See?"

I pulled out of his pocket a fifty euro and waved it to him before. "I just want to know what success ".

The boy cleared his throat. "I came," was trembling, "and the attendant wanted to expel me. Then I tried to convince him that I wanted to slip in and hide to steal wallets for guests during the show. Then he saw the package and has threatened to call the police because he feared that I had hidden a bomb, then ... "

" We get to the point please?! " exclaimed impatiently. "I've delivered, Yes or no? "

Again the boy tried to retreat, and again I heard Manuel grumbling behind me. Then he grabbed the money and handed them to the boy.

" Here, take. You do not want to cheat, but get moving, please, do not have all night, "he said.

He reached over and snatched the bill out of hand. I was afraid at that point decided that the best thing would run away but I was denied and began to speak. "In the end he called a guard, controlled, and when they saw that in the case was really just a violin accompanied me to the lady."

" Have you delivered directly in his hands? "I asked anxiously.

" Of course, as I had said. The lady took him and he looked good for a long time, then I asked who had given me. I said that I knew nothing, that a man had promised me money to leave her and that I should tell you to look at the incision in the chest. That Greta would have been proud to entrust to his care. "

sighed, finally calmer. The violin was my sister came into the hands of one who, after generations and generations, had actually been shown to deserve it.

" You can go now," said Manuel, and the boy ran off like lightning.

" 's over at last? You had your Christmas present? "

I looked amused. "You've waited almost two hundred years, what's the rush?"

" No hurry. I want to breathe, though, Germany has fed me. "

" Really?" I asked, puzzled. "And where would you go? In Transylvania? Would you feel more comfortable? "

" Naa ... why not Sydney? Or Miami? "

bad ideas. "Because there is too much sun, our skin filter is not taking."

" You're right," Manuel nodded thoughtfully. "What do you think of Canada, then? Can we get a little nibble 'of Canadian criminals! "

" Canada may go," assented.

was strange, at times, like after so many decades, in some circumstances, we learned to smile our condemnation. We were, and tried to do the least possible harm. Should suffice.

" Come on then, we must look at flight schedules on the Internet, to pack up and try to sell the car."

" The car you just bought? "

" Yes, and it breaks my heart, I swear. But in Canada we need a sled! "

I shook my head and wondered for the millionth time in two centuries, how I take it, then I looked at him, his expression seemed almost sweet and immediately remembered why the subsequent two centuries we have seen, however, together.

" Try to be happy."

It was the last thing that Greta had told me, or maybe just a thought, so intense as to overcome the barrier of words.

no moment had passed since that day, I had not thought of her, and nothing would change, but I now knew that his spirit, everything that had meant that violin was in the hands of the person right.

Greta relived the Dorothea, and his music would live forever.

I thought, basically, everything I had done and that I continued to do would be to try to be happy.

Volleyball Thong Lines

Original - Sonata for Violin 1 / 2

Title: Sonata for Violin
Author: Nico
Rating: All (PG)
Genre: Original
Summary: I was a monster, that will remain forever, and yet still so much to make me feel human twice damned. As would be easier to lose, with the ability to die like a man, the soul of man.

Sonata for violin


Lübeck, December 24, 1817

How can ;, who is not human, to feel a chill in such a heart not beating?

Christmas Eve was the only night that I still could rediscover my body shivering, able to feel that now the time I had taken forever.

I was still looking at the people who bundled he walked in procession to the church.

Sometimes, over the years, I had rediscovered a desire to be a spot in the midst of them, anonymous in my clothes sorted, ready to pray to God as their unborn really willing to believe in him.

In that one night.

" Gregor ...".

I turned, and saw with wonder by Manuel blue eyes dart in the dark, and it remained on the crowd. I had already sensed his presence for several minutes, the wind was weak, not straining the skin as often happened in that season, but it was enough to bring its familiar smell.

I looked for a moment, then again I focused on the river of people continued to arrive. I heard Manuel's shoulder touching mine, and without thinking I walked more, looking for a contact, a heat that did not come only from the clothes you wore. His arm encircled my shoulders and his lips came to rest in a cold whisper in my neck.

" There is still time to let go of the past?"

closed my eyes for a moment and concentrated on the sensations of my body, what remains of humanity that I had lost and yet were so different, sometimes amplified.

Manuel looked at me when I opened them. "It 's spent so much time, Gregor, you promised me you'd quit," she whispered.

I was astonished to see a spark of pain in the eyes of a hungry vampire. But why, then? Because if what I felt I could be considered as such, Manuel should not have been the same?

" I know," I said. "But it's difficult."

" E 'difficult because you want it to be!"

" I want it to be?", I snapped. We had this conversation dozens of times last year and a half, the best since I had been changed .

" I did not want to become ... this, "he said, pointing with scorn.

Manuel with a light hand stroked my face, brushes her hair and reflected in the transparent green of my eyes. I could see myself in her, it seemed almost like magic. "I did not want to be so either. But we can not help it. "

" Do you think I could go to church tonight? "I asked. The moment of fury was gone, and although it was still overwhelming, at times, it was not just vent on the only person I felt close, the only case in which I tried something similar to what it once I called love.

Then he looked at the crowd. At least half the patrons were now entering, disappeared behind the heavy wooden doors, protected from harm by the walls of the temple of Christ.

I was wrong, it was Manuel, or at least part of it, and maybe not the worst part.

me that I was asked many times, in all these years, it was possible that creatures like us, vote at night, the murder of innocent people, were allowed entry into a sacred place like a church, as the holy water there caused only a slight stinging, a simple demonstration of the fact that we were something different from normal.

I was a monster, destined to remain that eternally, and yet still so much to make me feel human twice damned.

As would be easier to lose the ability to die like a man, the soul of man.

curse God and the devil for making me immortal, for having taken the heat of the blood in the veins and left me for the rest, luggage intrasportabile of consciousness, pain, love and regret.

Loneliness was the worst thing at the beginning, new impulses that the brain commanded me to put aside but which I could not help but succumb.

senses always alert, able to pick up the slightest whisper, rustle of leaves, each milder smell, it was like crazy with every breath, be under the influence of a powerful hallucinogen with no hope of seeing him vanish.

Only the taste of blood could appease the swirl in my head, it was an innate awareness in me, was already part of my new nature.

The first ringing of the bell brought me back to the present.

" are all inside," said Manuel.

" Sign in with me too, please."

I knew it would not have done that in his time had healed, wounds, more than he did with me, everything I had explained everything he was convinced believe, would not have erased the anger he felt towards the man who had decided, probably with his absence, to make us what we were.

" I'll wait in the park," he said, and as if there had never been shot in the dark.

At the entrance I felt immediate discomfort in breathing air saturated with the smell of incense, but the flickering light of candles was not enough to hurt the eyes.

whole collection that humanity made me a thrill of terror. Not for me, sure, but certainly what I could do them.

There had been an empty seat, many people stood to hear the sermon, aims to understand why, after all, they were all sinners, all those guilty of stealing, lying, fornication, betrayed .

Everyone deserving of God's forgiveness, deserving of being saved in that very night, saved by their father.

Our Father which art in heaven,

hallowed be Thy Name,

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done,

as it is in heaven on earth.

The bell rang the first chimes of midnight. was then that I saw.

was leaning against a column of the right aisle, a few feet separated us and we had never been so far.

Greta, my sister.

What was changed since the last time I had embraced without fear, with a light heart and soul of integrity who knows how to love the right way.

With my head was bursting, without understanding what had happened to her was that I had during the night when my life was crumbling.

" Gregor, where have you been! I've been waiting for hours! " exclaimed, before realizing my condition.

I staggered into the house, unable to keep your eyes open, and I had no energy wasted on the couch.

She had toyed with the marks on the neck and shook my hand, wiped his forehead beaded with sweat, had endured my cries of pain as my body is remodeled since in the bone marrow, preparing to become what I was now.

We've locked in the house for days after that night, but my hunger and desire for blood had not done anything but grow, becoming the only center, the only focus of my whole being.

I could not explain, and she did not understand. He could not understand, and it was the first time such a thing had happened since, orphans, were we the only point of reference and support for each other.

She tried, however, with all his might.

Until one night, drunk with the smell of his blood, I ran as far as possible and I was sold, cibandomi the neck of a prostitute who, unaware, had tried to entice.

Since then, eleven years had elapsed during which I had never stopped to look at it from afar, for as little as possible but not mad enough pain to make sure he was comfortable.

Our Father ... Thy will be done, said the prayer.

Without me she had suffered, he threatened to not do it, alone in the world as I was left alone. Two halves of the same side of the coin whose edges, now, could no longer match.

That was His will?

" Why my God, why!" I cried.

Because if the creator is one and only one, then people like me came from his hand, even people like me were part of that group of creatures that he loved ... that was supposed to love and which ones had reserved a fate of eternal darkness.

daughter Greta was still light, I had become children of darkness.

Leaning close to her saw her violin inseparable. I was happy that at least one of his old habits had not abandoned the music continues to accompany her wherever she went.

She was good, he always had great talent, I knew that he was able to join an orchestra.

The shepherd's voice echoed deep and I looked away from her for a moment.

Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive our debtors,

lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


The tolling bell gave the welcome end of a day of Christmas, but the dull ache to hear these words of hope had not died down.

I was sure that the child born in a manger, the man died on a cross, he could never forgive my debts, undo the wrong that my very being I was forced to commit.

really was the redemption of all? Really, if I had repented enough, I could be forgiven?

There would always be another victim, there would never have been chosen for me, I hope.

I left the church before everyone else and waited to see Greta one last time.

The procession of people escape slowly, more brighter, more joyous than when she entered, including this one of the miracles that I could no longer explain that continue to perpetrate no apparent reason.

For some minutes no one came out more but there was no sign of her. Sbucai shadows in which I was a refugee to check that everything was in place when he finally saw her, and her eyes were fixed on me.

I felt a sudden panic, an almost irresistible desire to flee.

" Gregor!" She cried.

Until I heard his voice.

Then I turned around, and it was as if my whole life returned to streams inside of me and grabbed me by the throat with the intent to smother.

" Greta," I muttered, testing the consistency of his name on the tongue, spoken out loud in a long time.

was she to take the first steps in my direction, which soon turned into a race that took her in my arms in a few seconds.

" ... Gregor Gregor, you are ..."

" I live?" Finished I.

She looked at me with those eyes deep and wise, a wisdom that has never been natural in a girl so young, but now better suited to the woman who had become.

" I always knew you were ...".

reluctantly broke away from me, stroking his face. I could not see the thrill that the path to touch my skin.

" Why do not you come to me, Gregor? For all these years, I was sure I was alive, and that I would never have abandoned unless ... "

" are not alive, Greta. For a long time now, "I said.

" I know what you Gregor, I had not realized immediately, when you have been hurt, and even after ... it was hard, incredible, but I knew ... I know now. "

I looked around warily. Even with my sister I did not feel at ease there in the middle of the road, so exposed to the gaze of others.

" Let's go somewhere else, please. We do not talk here, "I said, moving in the direction of the park. For a moment she followed me, but just enough and I heard his footsteps behind me.

He was afraid, maybe a wake-up alarm was turned on its head, but it was not enough to lead wisely.

He should turn and run away, taking refuge in the church and believe that there would not be able to enter. A part of me wanted to call upon it to go away and forget, but I did not.

I could be his murderess, and also let me follow.

walked a long time without saying a word, side by side, but the warmth of his body, unlike that of Manuel, it was almost visible. The puffs of his breath on contact with cold air is lost, full of life, in the night.

Only when you get to the park I allowed myself to stop and really look at it as I could not do an infinite time.

" How different are your eyes," I said.

She came safely to shine through without the slightest fear.

Had he not afraid of me? Believed to be still talking to his brother?

" Even your are different," he said, and again his hand was on my cheek, cold for a human body, a furnace for the body of a vampire. "I've never seen so beautiful, Gregor."

" And 'one of our tricks," I said, but could not hide a grimace of disappointment. "We attract others with our beauty, but once you drop the mask ..."

is the monster that was hidden behind the innocuous, behind the reassuring.

" Please do not talk like that," she murmured. His eyes were shiny, tears do not fall, but all you saw was reflected sweetness.

" You do not know what ... I'm so happy to see you, know you're here. Whatever you are now ... Gregor, to me you're alive! "He said in a choked voice.

" not know how many times I wanted to be really dead all these years," he murmured.

I felt a presence behind me, hidden in the dark, but I did not turn. I knew exactly who he was, felt his emotions vibrate in the air, but I was so sure that would do nothing.

" It 'been so hard to go after you disappeared into thin air. You were everything I had, Gregor. All of my family. "

" And you were for me, but now everything is different. I can not be. "

clear in his eyes I could see the reluctance to accept what I was saying. He took my hand in hers, she shivered, but did not let her go.

" Is there a way, though," he said.

I did not understand immediately what he meant, gave her a quizzical look, but she continued to stare at me safe without saying a word.

was when Manuel came out from the shadows. "He wants you to transform it," he said.

Greta moved quickly looked at him and I went a bit 'more, like if I could still protect her from something, as if I were not in actually the same danger from which he tried to withdraw.

" Manuel, "I muttered.

" That 's what you're asking, Gregor. Wants you to become, "he repeated, impassive eyes of anyone who does not know him well because I know him.

I turned toward her and stared in disbelief.

" When I related all that had happened, the signs I had on neck, fever, thirst for something that you could not have ... when I understood what you were making, it was too late now. You were already disappeared into thin air, "she said.

" I did it for you, I did not want to hurt you!" I exclaimed.

" There was no way not to hurt me, Gregor! Prejudice, or when you went away, there was no day that did not wish to find you, whoever ... whatever you were. There was the day that he did not wish I'd brought with you. "

" So you want to do it now? After eleven years? "

" I do not ... would be a family again, "he said.

I could not believe my ears. After all that time after all the suffering and the agony of having lived in the awareness lost everything, the only person I really wanted to protect was asking me to turn it into something that she herself, in normal circumstances, would have hated. A monster.

I tried to help in the eyes of Manuel, I wished for a little while to find approval, a sign that she might know that I would not have been as bad as we make it.

He approached me, took my head between her hands and leaned his forehead to mine. Memories as you were before we met? What was unbearable to live with yourself? "

remembered perfectly, I could never forget that huge void, that abandonment of the soul that felt like a hole in his chest . "Sure," I whispered.

" Then you know you have to do," he said. "For you. For you. "

took a deep breath and he let me go.

Greta was still standing there in front of me, waiting for a response but at the same time curious, perhaps, by seeing the attitude that I was against another man .

But he had no way to explain that in all those years I realized that, facing an eternity as a perspective, the gender of the person I would choose as a companion Life then was not all that important.

" No," I said instead. "I can not ... I do not want to."

" Why," cried she.

" Why you must not become so. You have to live, love, suffer, be happy and die like a woman. You must have a paradise in which to go, once they arrive the end. "

" You have not?" He asked.

" If one day I die I do not think there will be a paradise for me," I said.

She shook her head, but said nothing. He did not try to convince me, not even argued that there would be hope for me, and for that I was infinitely grateful.

" You can do one thing, though. Look, "I continued.

" What?"

" plays the violin for me last time."

She looked around puzzled. "Moisture not good on the ropes, will ruin the sound, "he said.

had fallen a cold fog, but the moonlight was reflected on the tiny particles of water so as to appear that it came directly from them.

night was special, that. "No matter, I want my gift," I said.

Uncertain, leaned over and opened the instrument case. Caressed and taken in hand with care, petting his arms almost like a child.

" And 'one of your gift, remember?" He said, his eyes lost in memories that now seemed so distant.

" course, was your Christmas present almost seventeen years ago. I was afraid I would not be able to buy it, "I replied.

" E 'was the best gift I ever received in my entire life," she said.

I smiled because I knew it was true. "Play it for me, please. There will never be a better opportunity. "

Greta wielded the instrument, took a deep breath and placed it between chin and shoulder. There was a moment of silence, then notes filled the air suddenly. The speed of his fingers on the strings was hypnotic and the melody flowed smoothly, with the rapid pace and secure.

not remember it sounded so good.

Manuel I clasped behind his back, joining his hands just below my sternum. He was slightly taller than me, then leaned his head against his chest, closed my eyes and I gave way to music.

It was as if the notes take various forms and color behind my eyelids, as if Greta, with only his fingers and his bow was able to create a melody made of the same substance of my memories and my old hopes.

things I lost, I would not be found, certainly not as I had left. But Manuel had, what was that although I loved the same man's heart that had once been. And perhaps I also found Greta?

I opened my my eyes and looked ethereal in its beauty. The fog blurred the outline of his body but did shine at the same time as the same drops of water that was made.

His face marked by tears but kept playing with her whole being, as if the music depended on the rest of his life.

As it began, everything stopped as quickly and again fell silent.

We were all still for several seconds, perhaps unable to let go of that moment, for the last time we had bonded with incredible intensity.

Greta was to move to first, lowered his instrument and walked toward us. Manuel let me go and stepped back.

" Haydn. Violin Concerto in C major, "he said.

" E 'was great. Thank you, "I said.

It was as if both did not want to say anything for fear of saying what we had.

" I think this is a farewell," I sighed at the end.

She leaned over, put in place the instrument in its case and raised. His hand was shaking when he took mine. "At least we had the opportunity to tell us, this farewell. It 's more than I ever hoped to have. "

" have I," I said.

" But why should just be a goodbye? We could see each other ... as tonight, for example. "

" I do not think it's a good idea, "Manuel intervened.

Greta stepped back, perhaps intimidated by his presence. It was the first time he addressed directly.

" Why?" She said, making himself courage.

He looked at me, I addressed a sad smile and answered. "Let's say that our community is not exactly friendly."

" There are many others like you?" Greta asked, eyes wide.

" Enough", I intervened. "We mostly solitary or in small groups, but most of us have fully embraced their nature. Do not feel restrained from attacking the men, give free rein to their instincts. "

" If you find that you're the sister of Gregor will be like a lighted lamp on a boat in the sea at night," Manuel said. "We're all one big family, if you know what I mean.

She lowered the shoulders defeat. Clearly understood, and I realized that I also let her go was the best thing to do, but how many times I had learned at my own expense, to do the best thing to do would mean that even more difficult.

I approached her. "Greta ..."

I jumped in my arms and squeezed me, dipping her face in my cloak and choking tears that could no longer hold.

" do not know how I'll miss Gregor, but I will go for you," he said with a choked voice.

walked away gently taking her by the shoulders and wiped a tear that was new about to fall. "This makes things much easier."

She wiped her eyes and finally gave me a little smile. "After all if you can you live like a vampire, I can not be outdone! "

Also I smiled at her. The weight that I weighed in my chest was still there, I was sure it would never disappeared completely, but for the first time in my life I felt I was immortal to be able to bear it.

" Go home now, it's night. Manuel and I will follow you from afar without being seen, wait till you have come. "

I wanted to cry as she had done but I was more capable, then I stepped back, grabbed the hand of Manuel and I clung to the only solid thing I had left.

Greta smiled at him, then stroked me with his eyes for the last time. "Goodbye Gregor," he said, took his violin and headed into the night.

As we promised followed up at home.

I saw her open the door and pause for a moment in the doorway, turned and looked into the darkness, but could never see us. He greeted me and the night with a last gesture of the hand and closed it behind him.

" Goodbye Greta, be happy," I muttered, shook the hand of Manuel stronger and touched her lips with a kiss, more grateful than ever that it is not only.

Part 2

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What Does A Solid Black Tattoo

Roswell - Between us Chapter 4 / 18

Title: Between Us. Chapter 4 / 18
Author: Nico
Pairing: Michael / Maria
Fandom: Roswell
Rating: VM18
Genre: AU
Summary: Michael is the new boy at school, what attracts everyone's attention without intention, and Mary is not immune. It sounds simple, apparently, but it is far from that.

1 2 3

Chapter IV

For several days now, Mary was unable to exchange with Michael more than two syllables.

was sure that the same without him, but frankly, he could not understand why.

He was a very hard to take, you guessed it right away, but she also seemed that the other night was really able to come close to that damn "right way".

Closing her eyes she could still hear distinctly the feeling of his mouth, the touch of her hands and her excitement to the body.

The plane touched his lips with his fingers and yes, they were still there, but he was pretty sure that if in fact he was taken away with him.

With a gesture of despair he threw himself face-up on Alex's bed.

seemed very busy with a computer game or something like that. Kill an infinite number of zombies, but it always stuck out more. Truly an educational game!

" Alex, would you like to talk a bit 'or you're going to alienate with that thing all afternoon?"

" Why? Believe that life is paying me anything better than the possibility of rimbecillirmi front of the computer. " His tone relented a bit resigned to the '.

" Ooh, finally! Another member of the club of losers! Come on, confide in your friend Mary, After, however, you must return the favor "

" E 'by Isabel. "

And Mary knew that there was no doubt about this.

" I do not know what to do with her, are in a dead end. There are days I look, my company wants me hugs! In one of these days I'm so glad I could make a business epic, you know, do two laps of racing around the football field! I seem to have taken a step forward, if you know what I mean. "


" Then, suddenly, BAM! He disappears for days, so, without giving me any explanation. And if the height of my dare I venture to ask you something also has the courage to claim that the worry! E 'crazy, you know? "


Alex continued his monologue, he opened the dam.

" However, I do not know what to do. I know that you know, and this is clear. Perhaps it can not find the courage to say clearly and precisely that she is not the same, maybe does not want to hurt me! The only thing I know is that it is a thousand times worse. "

At that point he left beaten on the back of the chair, throwing her head back.

As a friend what was the best thing to say? Perhaps the truth this time, would have been fine.

" Listen carefully and wisely tries to interpret what I'm about to say."

Alex lifted his head to look at her, she had the assurance of one who is about to receive a revelation.

" I think that Isabel has feelings for you, I mean, to me it seems pretty clear! You are just afraid to let go, fall in love. It 's a very common fear, but for a beautiful girl like her, the risks are many more! When is aware that a man is interested in her only for her appearance already knows how to behave, you know what part of himself and what to keep hidden, is an almost mathematical calculation. But when the feelings come into play in the discourse is complicated! Becomes much easier to struggle with disappointments and fears, you have fear, I repeat. "

watched for a moment puzzled face of his friend, he could almost see the gears turning in his head. "You must continue to insist, you must not allow her to feel lonely. You are important to you and you must know, always. And above all, a bit 'over the decision my friend! A kiss with a lot of language would be nice to me! "

Alex did not answer immediately. In fact, Mary had to admit to being very satisfied with his analysis. I just do not know whether he had spoken to him or herself.

Finally he roused himself from his meditative state.

" If you're right, and you're causing me to do things I regret for the rest of your life, know that I will give you the hunt and I'll find you, wherever you are. However, if your diagnosis is right, my dear Dr. De Luca, I will be borrowing forever. "

" Then I'll take your word, we understand!"

Both laughed at the bottom of things were so bad!

" Force," he said Alex, "it's up to you baby, all my uncle!"

" No uncle, but because it will be for next time. I just remembered something really important, I can not put off. See you tomorrow. "

ran out of the room as if he were chased by the devil himself.

The women were just another planet, this Alex had no doubt, did not know whether it was Venus or whatever, but it certainly was not his.

Sometimes, talking to someone turned out to be enlightening to themselves.

And if what he said about Isabel was true for Michael?

Perhaps he was afraid, of course, for different reasons, but it could be!

Unfortunately she could not have known, had not had a chance to know him enough.

think about it all that he knew he had reported it to him Liz, she was not very busy until then, had merely followed the events, but it was time to change things.

If it were necessary he would have chased until it locks into a corner to force him to listen.

That uncertainty was becoming truly unbearable.

The park was now behind him, Michael lived across the street.

stops suddenly when she saw the door open; Sheriff Valenti was released from his home. Michael followed him a short distance and attitude between the two was confidential, you could tell by the way in which the sheriff had just put his hand on his shoulder. It was a gesture typical of someone who comforts, and he, in turn, replied with a sad smile.

A million questions comes to mind in the few seconds, but more important was the only one. What Michael Guerin had to do with the police?

their discussion would probably have to wait until next day because that does not seem the best time.

The bell was rung for ten minutes and still could not see the professor.

I spent another ten in the same way and at that point it was clear that the 'hour and a half later would be free.

Michael walked down the hallway to the door of the west overlooking the garden.

Out of a pale sun enveloped everything in an unreal light, sleepiness, and even had begun in November was not so cold.

During the previous hour had come very close to literally put snoring on the bench, did not sleep well for ages.

In fact, since his days were busy with his new business, avoid Maria De Luca, the quality of her sleep had now collapsed.

His bed was no longer such, had become in a grid and, consequently, he had a nice grilled chicken!

was tired, really, really broken.

a remote area of the garden attracted his attention.

could sit there for a while ', was a sheltered from the wind, a niche formed by the walls of the school. It would remain there only half an hour, just to put a little 'Bikes in the brain, the only time ....

He roused himself from slumber with a feeling hot and wet lips.

He had fallen asleep without realizing it, but could not say how long. It must have been a lot because the sun had already come a long way to heaven compared to where it was before.

He opened his eyes slowly and saw her. Lei

She had woken up and licking his lips once knew how. They had the unmistakable taste of strawberry lip gloss and, damn him, had heard only once, but it already felt like a drug addict!

She smiled. "Hey, hello! I saw you sitting here and I thought it was not polite to ignore your presence, "he said, making allusion to his usual behavior not too veiled.

He was embarrassed, oooh!, So that was awkward!

She shifted his weight from foot to foot, trying to conceal his agitation. "Lately I had the impression that you're avoiding me. I'm racking their brains for a while 'time to understand why but when I'm just going to grab it, well, I'm missing it again! So I thought it best to apply directly to you! "

Michael stood still without answer, and it seemed that he had no intention of doing so.

Maria sat on the grass in front of him, making sure to look him straight in the eye.

" then? You do not have anything to say to me? "

The images that followed Michael's head were many and varied, but almost all were related with more things to do than things to say! But all she could answer was "no, I do not think you have something to say."

Maria wanted to slap, clenched his fists so hard that the knuckles turned white.

" No my friend, after what has happened and saw how you behaved at this time I think there is something to say, all right. "

Michael looked at her hands lying motionless on his legs, trying in every way to resist the temptation to silence her in the only way he knew, and she went on.

" When we kissed I felt something, I mean ... for me it meant something. I thought it was the same for you ... I do not know, that we went out and we did something together, get to know a little '! "

He rose slowly to his feet, throwing its shadow over her. At that time it seemed really out of reach.

" Maria, I am very sorry that I made you believe that the kiss had meant something to me, but I'll have hundreds of data like that and I do not remember either. So try not to think too much, ok? "

Maria opened and closed his mouth a few times before realizing that his throat was too dry to make out even a strangled sound. The one in front of her at that time could not be the same guy the other night, the one who had to feel that at the very thought made her feel made of butter.

He turned and walked away.

... but ... wait .... To please, let's talk! "

Michael had to make a superhuman effort not to come back to her, hug her and assure her that we would try with all his heart.

But it was not, could not do it.

The disappointment that he had read the same on his face was painted on her, it was like looking in the mirror.

There were things she did not know, however, things you could never tell her and that in any case would removed, resulting in effect was the same, so it was much better to end immediately before starting

At that time, however, could not help but think that's the situation closely resembles that of the people they have to undergo a weight loss diet.

All I would eat willingly and taste was strictly forbidden for the rest, remained flat in their bleakness and sadness, and only now, his heart was a perfect dish for a diet that maybe, but ; had started too late.

Max Evans was returning at the time of the time of physical education and the scene that appeared before him in his eyes was something more than curious.

Michael and Mary, alone, arguing in a rather animated and certainly was not the way we usually speak of acquaintances!

Evidently he had lost something important while working to woo Liz. Maybe go out with her, it would be useful even in this case because it was well known to all that, as regards women, best friends know everything about each other!