Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What Does A Solid Black Tattoo

Roswell - Between us Chapter 4 / 18

Title: Between Us. Chapter 4 / 18
Author: Nico
Pairing: Michael / Maria
Fandom: Roswell
Rating: VM18
Genre: AU
Summary: Michael is the new boy at school, what attracts everyone's attention without intention, and Mary is not immune. It sounds simple, apparently, but it is far from that.

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Chapter IV

For several days now, Mary was unable to exchange with Michael more than two syllables.

was sure that the same without him, but frankly, he could not understand why.

He was a very hard to take, you guessed it right away, but she also seemed that the other night was really able to come close to that damn "right way".

Closing her eyes she could still hear distinctly the feeling of his mouth, the touch of her hands and her excitement to the body.

The plane touched his lips with his fingers and yes, they were still there, but he was pretty sure that if in fact he was taken away with him.

With a gesture of despair he threw himself face-up on Alex's bed.

seemed very busy with a computer game or something like that. Kill an infinite number of zombies, but it always stuck out more. Truly an educational game!

" Alex, would you like to talk a bit 'or you're going to alienate with that thing all afternoon?"

" Why? Believe that life is paying me anything better than the possibility of rimbecillirmi front of the computer. " His tone relented a bit resigned to the '.

" Ooh, finally! Another member of the club of losers! Come on, confide in your friend Mary, After, however, you must return the favor "

" E 'by Isabel. "

And Mary knew that there was no doubt about this.

" I do not know what to do with her, are in a dead end. There are days I look, my company wants me hugs! In one of these days I'm so glad I could make a business epic, you know, do two laps of racing around the football field! I seem to have taken a step forward, if you know what I mean. "


" Then, suddenly, BAM! He disappears for days, so, without giving me any explanation. And if the height of my dare I venture to ask you something also has the courage to claim that the worry! E 'crazy, you know? "


Alex continued his monologue, he opened the dam.

" However, I do not know what to do. I know that you know, and this is clear. Perhaps it can not find the courage to say clearly and precisely that she is not the same, maybe does not want to hurt me! The only thing I know is that it is a thousand times worse. "

At that point he left beaten on the back of the chair, throwing her head back.

As a friend what was the best thing to say? Perhaps the truth this time, would have been fine.

" Listen carefully and wisely tries to interpret what I'm about to say."

Alex lifted his head to look at her, she had the assurance of one who is about to receive a revelation.

" I think that Isabel has feelings for you, I mean, to me it seems pretty clear! You are just afraid to let go, fall in love. It 's a very common fear, but for a beautiful girl like her, the risks are many more! When is aware that a man is interested in her only for her appearance already knows how to behave, you know what part of himself and what to keep hidden, is an almost mathematical calculation. But when the feelings come into play in the discourse is complicated! Becomes much easier to struggle with disappointments and fears, you have fear, I repeat. "

watched for a moment puzzled face of his friend, he could almost see the gears turning in his head. "You must continue to insist, you must not allow her to feel lonely. You are important to you and you must know, always. And above all, a bit 'over the decision my friend! A kiss with a lot of language would be nice to me! "

Alex did not answer immediately. In fact, Mary had to admit to being very satisfied with his analysis. I just do not know whether he had spoken to him or herself.

Finally he roused himself from his meditative state.

" If you're right, and you're causing me to do things I regret for the rest of your life, know that I will give you the hunt and I'll find you, wherever you are. However, if your diagnosis is right, my dear Dr. De Luca, I will be borrowing forever. "

" Then I'll take your word, we understand!"

Both laughed at the bottom of things were so bad!

" Force," he said Alex, "it's up to you baby, all my uncle!"

" No uncle, but because it will be for next time. I just remembered something really important, I can not put off. See you tomorrow. "

ran out of the room as if he were chased by the devil himself.

The women were just another planet, this Alex had no doubt, did not know whether it was Venus or whatever, but it certainly was not his.

Sometimes, talking to someone turned out to be enlightening to themselves.

And if what he said about Isabel was true for Michael?

Perhaps he was afraid, of course, for different reasons, but it could be!

Unfortunately she could not have known, had not had a chance to know him enough.

think about it all that he knew he had reported it to him Liz, she was not very busy until then, had merely followed the events, but it was time to change things.

If it were necessary he would have chased until it locks into a corner to force him to listen.

That uncertainty was becoming truly unbearable.

The park was now behind him, Michael lived across the street.

stops suddenly when she saw the door open; Sheriff Valenti was released from his home. Michael followed him a short distance and attitude between the two was confidential, you could tell by the way in which the sheriff had just put his hand on his shoulder. It was a gesture typical of someone who comforts, and he, in turn, replied with a sad smile.

A million questions comes to mind in the few seconds, but more important was the only one. What Michael Guerin had to do with the police?

their discussion would probably have to wait until next day because that does not seem the best time.

The bell was rung for ten minutes and still could not see the professor.

I spent another ten in the same way and at that point it was clear that the 'hour and a half later would be free.

Michael walked down the hallway to the door of the west overlooking the garden.

Out of a pale sun enveloped everything in an unreal light, sleepiness, and even had begun in November was not so cold.

During the previous hour had come very close to literally put snoring on the bench, did not sleep well for ages.

In fact, since his days were busy with his new business, avoid Maria De Luca, the quality of her sleep had now collapsed.

His bed was no longer such, had become in a grid and, consequently, he had a nice grilled chicken!

was tired, really, really broken.

a remote area of the garden attracted his attention.

could sit there for a while ', was a sheltered from the wind, a niche formed by the walls of the school. It would remain there only half an hour, just to put a little 'Bikes in the brain, the only time ....

He roused himself from slumber with a feeling hot and wet lips.

He had fallen asleep without realizing it, but could not say how long. It must have been a lot because the sun had already come a long way to heaven compared to where it was before.

He opened his eyes slowly and saw her. Lei

She had woken up and licking his lips once knew how. They had the unmistakable taste of strawberry lip gloss and, damn him, had heard only once, but it already felt like a drug addict!

She smiled. "Hey, hello! I saw you sitting here and I thought it was not polite to ignore your presence, "he said, making allusion to his usual behavior not too veiled.

He was embarrassed, oooh!, So that was awkward!

She shifted his weight from foot to foot, trying to conceal his agitation. "Lately I had the impression that you're avoiding me. I'm racking their brains for a while 'time to understand why but when I'm just going to grab it, well, I'm missing it again! So I thought it best to apply directly to you! "

Michael stood still without answer, and it seemed that he had no intention of doing so.

Maria sat on the grass in front of him, making sure to look him straight in the eye.

" then? You do not have anything to say to me? "

The images that followed Michael's head were many and varied, but almost all were related with more things to do than things to say! But all she could answer was "no, I do not think you have something to say."

Maria wanted to slap, clenched his fists so hard that the knuckles turned white.

" No my friend, after what has happened and saw how you behaved at this time I think there is something to say, all right. "

Michael looked at her hands lying motionless on his legs, trying in every way to resist the temptation to silence her in the only way he knew, and she went on.

" When we kissed I felt something, I mean ... for me it meant something. I thought it was the same for you ... I do not know, that we went out and we did something together, get to know a little '! "

He rose slowly to his feet, throwing its shadow over her. At that time it seemed really out of reach.

" Maria, I am very sorry that I made you believe that the kiss had meant something to me, but I'll have hundreds of data like that and I do not remember either. So try not to think too much, ok? "

Maria opened and closed his mouth a few times before realizing that his throat was too dry to make out even a strangled sound. The one in front of her at that time could not be the same guy the other night, the one who had to feel that at the very thought made her feel made of butter.

He turned and walked away.

... but ... wait .... To please, let's talk! "

Michael had to make a superhuman effort not to come back to her, hug her and assure her that we would try with all his heart.

But it was not, could not do it.

The disappointment that he had read the same on his face was painted on her, it was like looking in the mirror.

There were things she did not know, however, things you could never tell her and that in any case would removed, resulting in effect was the same, so it was much better to end immediately before starting

At that time, however, could not help but think that's the situation closely resembles that of the people they have to undergo a weight loss diet.

All I would eat willingly and taste was strictly forbidden for the rest, remained flat in their bleakness and sadness, and only now, his heart was a perfect dish for a diet that maybe, but ; had started too late.

Max Evans was returning at the time of the time of physical education and the scene that appeared before him in his eyes was something more than curious.

Michael and Mary, alone, arguing in a rather animated and certainly was not the way we usually speak of acquaintances!

Evidently he had lost something important while working to woo Liz. Maybe go out with her, it would be useful even in this case because it was well known to all that, as regards women, best friends know everything about each other!


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