Title: Sonata for Violin
Author: Nico
Rating: All (PG)
Genre: Original
Summary: I was a monster, that will remain forever, and yet still so much to make me feel human twice damned. As would be easier to lose, with the ability to die like a man, the soul of man.
Part 1
not, however, was the last time I spoke with my sister.
For years and years after that encounter, I continued to follow it. Fell in love with a man, also a musician, and had two children. A son, Hannes, and a daughter, Judit, who unfortunately died of illness when he was only seven years.
He had a full life, marked by joy and tragedy as the lives of human beings.
How life that I had I probably like the one I wanted for her.
I went to visit her on Christmas night of his seventy-eighth year of life, by which time the disease had consumed so much so that it can not even get out of bed to go to mass.
I went into his room without much difficulty, I took a chair and sat down beside the bed watching her sleep. Labored breathing, he looked worn out old one, but when he opened his eyes I knew that even if they were ages ago I would recognize.
" Gregor ...", he said.
" Hello Greta. Merry Christmas, "I said, taking her hand.
She shook me slightly. "You're nothing changed," he said with a grin.
" I'm glad they can not say the same about you," I said, and looked at me like I understood he perfectly understood what I meant.
" I had a happy life, not always, but it was a full life," she whispered.
" I know, I keep an eye on."
" I had my personal angel to watch over me all this time," she chuckled, but began to cough immediately, abandoning exhausted on the pillow.
" I am anything but an angel, I assure you, I reminded her.
" You'll always be my beautiful angel immortal," he said.
I got up and sat back on the bed beside her, seizing both his hands and squeezing them between my.
" do not know how I missed you," I confessed. "But I could not come, you would not have been able to justify ..."
" Ssh, do not say anything. It does not matter. Actually, we've always been, and are here now, it's all that matters to me. "
continued to shake hands, kissed his fingers. They were warm, but I felt, with that sixth sense that over the years it became increasingly refined, the flame of life would still little heated.
" 's funny how at the end of life, everything becomes so clear as all that is beautiful and clean living have become the most important part, while bad memories remain relegated to a corner as a bogeyman that does not really afraid anymore, "he continued.
" must be nice to feel that way, "I replied.
" Only thanks to you and Manuel I feel this way, there'll never be grateful enough for what you did that night."
" I'll tell you, will be happy to know."
I smiled. "Please, could you open the trunk for me that is under the window?"
let her go, I got up and went to open it. There was his violin in there, same with whom I had greeted the last time.
" Take it," he said.
I took it carefully in his hands and went back to bed.
" I want you to have you. It will be my memory, "he murmured. I saw the signs of fatigue that enveloped her, but her will to fight until the last was no less.
" I do not need an object to remind you. You will be with me for eternity, and if I come to the end, even after the flames of hell, or wherever I go. "
" Although I will always be with you, Gregor, do not believe that you get rid of me so easily," he said. "But I want you to have the same. You'll know what to do if and when the time comes. "
" Okay," I said.
lays it on the floor and went to kneel beside the bed. The kindly scostai a lock of gray hair that had escaped the braid and fell on his face.
" I think it's time to say goodbye for real," he said weakly.
now no longer able to keep those eyes open, overcome by fatigue, the last moments of a candle wick which had come to burn completely.
" Sleep Greta," I whispered, "Good travel ".
I kissed her forehead, looked at her one last time and I had come out as silent as I took the violin.
For a moment I felt to hear his voice that whispered to me to be happy, but I came back because now we set our last goodbye.
" I'll try," I said.
died Jan. 1 of the year of grace 1865.
Philharmonic Berlin, December 24, 2008
" We've been here a week and you can think that the best time to do it is to have its one hour before the concert? "he mumbled Manuel.
" There's a better one, I assure you!" I said. "And then you are running around Berlin with your new Mercedes all the time while I was looking for, then you have little to complain!"
" Just because I bought the new Ray Ban, were the only ones who did not at odds with the color of my skin and with my Belstaf, otherwise I would not see that around, "snorted.
As exasperating had become obsessed with Manuel for the big names continued to be especially funny.
We had experienced so many changes, atrocities, discoveries, aberrations and wonders, in a couple of centuries, that some little whim, perhaps, we deserved to take it off!
" You might at least make him a courier to deliver professional, not the sort of messenger of the florist."
" It turns out that the messenger of the florist was the only available on Christmas Eve," argomentai.
" was available or terrified?" Said Manuel, but I had stopped listening.
I was anxious to see him leave, in accordance with the agreements would have to ask the concierge to personally deliver the package to Dorothea Manhof, first violinist of the Berlin Philharmonic. Surely it would open first, with the terror alert in recent years was inevitable, but they would have realized that it was a simple tool, and would have passed, I was sure.
I waited for a quarter of an hour on the back of the theater but I was so excited that time seemed double its length.
" There's no point eating the soles of shoes," Manuel said.
" I know, I can not help it," I said.
They spent another ten minutes but finally the boy came.
He approached slowly, cautiously, as if behind our clothes and our refined manners of the time he could smell the danger, under the skin to feel the thrill and excitement in the same way that the victim's terrifying do not know, a conscious level, they are.
But he was not wanted, that evening, it was not even in our usual type of victim, to be honest.
" then? How did it go? ", I immediately asked, going towards him. A car passed on the street and the lights of the lanterns reflected in the eyes of Manuel and probably in the mine, with an effect very similar to what happened through the eyes of cats.
The boy blanched and stepped back, Manuel and I pulled up clutching his arm. "Gregor," she hissed, "Try to stay calm. We do not need to be passed out to nothing. "
He was right, so I tried to smile in the most reassuring as possible, hoping that no other car decided to go there. "I've got the money I promised," I said. "See?"
I pulled out of his pocket a fifty euro and waved it to him before. "I just want to know what success ".
The boy cleared his throat. "I came," was trembling, "and the attendant wanted to expel me. Then I tried to convince him that I wanted to slip in and hide to steal wallets for guests during the show. Then he saw the package and has threatened to call the police because he feared that I had hidden a bomb, then ... "
" We get to the point please?! " exclaimed impatiently. "I've delivered, Yes or no? "
Again the boy tried to retreat, and again I heard Manuel grumbling behind me. Then he grabbed the money and handed them to the boy.
" Here, take. You do not want to cheat, but get moving, please, do not have all night, "he said.
He reached over and snatched the bill out of hand. I was afraid at that point decided that the best thing would run away but I was denied and began to speak. "In the end he called a guard, controlled, and when they saw that in the case was really just a violin accompanied me to the lady."
" Have you delivered directly in his hands? "I asked anxiously.
" Of course, as I had said. The lady took him and he looked good for a long time, then I asked who had given me. I said that I knew nothing, that a man had promised me money to leave her and that I should tell you to look at the incision in the chest. That Greta would have been proud to entrust to his care. "
sighed, finally calmer. The violin was my sister came into the hands of one who, after generations and generations, had actually been shown to deserve it.
" You can go now," said Manuel, and the boy ran off like lightning.
" 's over at last? You had your Christmas present? "
I looked amused. "You've waited almost two hundred years, what's the rush?"
" No hurry. I want to breathe, though, Germany has fed me. "
" Really?" I asked, puzzled. "And where would you go? In Transylvania? Would you feel more comfortable? "
" Naa ... why not Sydney? Or Miami? "
bad ideas. "Because there is too much sun, our skin filter is not taking."
" You're right," Manuel nodded thoughtfully. "What do you think of Canada, then? Can we get a little nibble 'of Canadian criminals! "
" Canada may go," assented.
was strange, at times, like after so many decades, in some circumstances, we learned to smile our condemnation. We were, and tried to do the least possible harm. Should suffice.
" Come on then, we must look at flight schedules on the Internet, to pack up and try to sell the car."
" The car you just bought? "
" Yes, and it breaks my heart, I swear. But in Canada we need a sled! "
I shook my head and wondered for the millionth time in two centuries, how I take it, then I looked at him, his expression seemed almost sweet and immediately remembered why the subsequent two centuries we have seen, however, together.
" Try to be happy."
It was the last thing that Greta had told me, or maybe just a thought, so intense as to overcome the barrier of words.
no moment had passed since that day, I had not thought of her, and nothing would change, but I now knew that his spirit, everything that had meant that violin was in the hands of the person right.
Greta relived the Dorothea, and his music would live forever.
I thought, basically, everything I had done and that I continued to do would be to try to be happy.
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